JISTECH: Journal of Information Science and Technology https://jurnal.unipa.ac.id/index.php/istech <div><strong>JISTECH E-JOURNAL FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS PAPUA</strong></div> <div>PRINT ISSN 2085-6245</div> <div>E-ISSN 2963-0533 (media online)</div> <p><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: 'Noto Sans', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;">Jurnal JISTECH merupakan jurnal ilmu Sains dan Teknologi yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan April dan Oktober. Redaksi menerima tulisan ilmiah hasil penelitian dan non penelitian di Bidang Sains dan Teknologi berupa penelitian dasar, perencanaan, perancangan, dan studi pengembangan dengan kontribusi yang orisinil dan jelas.</span></p> <p><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: 'Noto Sans', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;">Template Artikel untuk jurnal JISTECH: <a title="Template Artikel Jistech" href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LG-WN-PIqSLEltng_FikFNZWIDIqIcLm/edit?usp=sharing&amp;ouid=105549270251940072090&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LG-WN-PIqSLEltng_FikFNZWIDIqIcLm/edit?usp=sharing&amp;ouid=105549270251940072090&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true</a></span></p> <p>How submit article: <a title="Submit Artikel" href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m74Sb4F7TMBEc2Gr7kEJtW7DK9L_kze4/view?usp=sharing" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m74Sb4F7TMBEc2Gr7kEJtW7DK9L_kze4/view?usp=sharing</a></p> Universitas Papua en-US JISTECH: Journal of Information Science and Technology 2085-6245 GROUNDWATER TESTING TESTING THE CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF GROUNDWATER https://jurnal.unipa.ac.id/index.php/istech/article/view/428 <p>Communities in Jayapura use groundwater for daily needs, whether obtained from springs, dug wells and drilled wells. The research was conducted in the Kotaraja, Ayapo and Aimbe areas. The aim of this research is to determine the chemical and physical properties of groundwater based on laboratory tests. The chemical and physical properties of groundwater are one of the main properties of water and are very useful for determining groundwater quality. This research took three locations with the sampling method carried out using stratified random sampling. The samples taken were springs and drilled wells. The groundwater chemical properties parameters tested include Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Bicarbonate (HCO3). Chloride (Cl), Sulfate (SO4), pH, TDS, and Hardness, while the physical property parameters of groundwater tested include color, odor, taste, and temperature (T0C). In general, all samples analyzed from the research area show that the levels of chemical elements in groundwater have not exceeded drinking water standard limits, but there are locations that have high hardness CaCO3 levels, namely at location Ka.01 (Kaliacai) at 343 mg/L and location Ay.02 (Ayapo) pH 9.32. The results of the physical properties test show that the test concentration values ​​have not exceeded the drinking water standard limits, meaning that the groundwater in the research area is suitable for use.</p> <p>Key words :Chemistry-physics, groundwater.</p> BODIAN DAVIN PANGGABEAN BODIAN Frans Simbol Tambing Copyright (c) 2024 BODIAN DAVIN PANGGABEAN BODIAN, Frans Simbol Tambing https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 13 2 10.30862/jistech.v13i2.428 Solar System Learning Media Application for Elementary School Children Using Android-Based Augmented Reality https://jurnal.unipa.ac.id/index.php/istech/article/view/443 <p>Along with the development of information technology which continues to move from year after year, many learning methods have been created to support teaching and learning process. Learning media is in the form of learning props. The solar system currently still uses print media, videos and teaching aids another simple one where the teacher is more dominant in explaining and the students are the only ones listening. Methods like this don't hone creativity and grasping power students, plus the limited use of teaching aids, on the other hand their availability the latest technology that can be developed into learning media. Method learning with the support of interesting technology-based media will creating effective learning media to help achieve targets learning. Application of augmented reality in learning materials about The solar system provides innovative learning methods that can create interactive learning communication between teachers and students. Method The research method used is the Research and method Development (R&amp;D) which aims to create applied products. In the process of creating this application, the application development process used at this stage using the waterfall developer model. The method is carried out is to do Augmented Reality with Vuforia and Unity to implement on Android devices. The result achieved was the introduction of the solar system displays objects and information. With the Augmented Solar System application Android-based reality can be useful for visualizing the inner solar system more realistic model shape.</p> Sutimin Sutimin Julius Panda Putra Naibaho Alex De Kweldju Copyright (c) 2024 Sutimin Sutimin, Julius Panda Putra Naibaho, Alex De Kweldju https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 13 2 22 28 10.30862/jistech.v13i2.443 Designing Medicine Data Processing Application At Warmare Community Health Center Using Framework CodeIgniter 3 https://jurnal.unipa.ac.id/index.php/istech/article/view/481 <p>Warmare Community Health Center is a public health service institution expected to provide optimal services to the community. One important aspect of delivering health services is drug stock management. Currently, the processing and storage of drug data at Warmare Community Health Center are done manually. Manual processing of drug data has several drawbacks: it is less effective and efficient in managing drugs, and the data is at risk of being damaged or lost. The author has taken the initiative to create a web-based application for managing the entry and exit of drugs at Warmare Community Health Center using the CodeIgniter framework. The implementation of this drug management application aims to address the issues faced by Warmare Community Health Center. The application for managing drug entries and exits is developed using the Waterfall method and the CodeIgniter framework. The result is a successful development of a drug data management application for incoming and outgoing drugs at Warmare Community Health Center, designed to manage drug data available at the health center. This application provides drug management services, including drug stock data, incoming drug data, outgoing drug data, and drug data report printing.</p> Alfi Syahriza Julius Panda Putra Naibaho Marlinda Sanglise Copyright (c) 2024 Alfi Syahriza, Julius Panda Putra Naibaho, Marlinda Sanglise https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 13 2 37 47 10.30862/jistech.v13i2.481 DESIGN AND BUILD A WEB-BASED AMI IT & CREATIVE STORE INVENTORY APPLICATION USING THE LARAVEL 9 FRAMEWORK https://jurnal.unipa.ac.id/index.php/istech/article/view/498 <table width="590"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="385"> <p>TOKO AMI IT &amp; CREATIVE is a store located at Sp7 Kampung Sumberboga, Masni District. TOKO AMI IT &amp; CREATIVE itself is a business store that runs an office stationery (ATK) and printing business. At this time, many people have problems managing stock inventory, which is one of the most important things for a business field such as a store. If an item is not properly inventoried, it can cause problems such as inconsistency in the stock of available goods, loss of data on goods owned, long search for item data, a lot of time consuming when managing data, and losses. Therefore, this research aims to assist business processes in TOKO AMI IT &amp; CREATIVE in building web-based applications. The system development methods used are the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Prototype, because this development process has the stages needed in its development.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Abdul Malik Mombay Christian Dwi Suhendra Marlinda Sanglise Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Malik Mombay, Christian Dwi Suhendra, Marlinda Sanglise https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 13 2 10.30862/jistech.v13i2.498 Manokwari Samsat Information System Is Web-Based Using React Framework https://jurnal.unipa.ac.id/index.php/istech/article/view/427 <table width="590"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="385"> <p><em>Leli Juliyati, Informatics Engineering Department, D3 Computer Engineering Study Program, University of Papua, January 2024 Creating a Web-Based Manokwari Samsat Information System Br, Supervised by Julius P. P. Naibaho. This paper discusses the creation of the Manokwari Samsat Information System website. The aim is to provide information and service regulations to the community. The reason for creating this website is because information is still disseminated manually by officers at the Manokwari Samsat, and residents have difficulty getting information and service rules. In this research, the author created a website using modern technology such as React, Node.js, and MySQL. The client side uses the React Framework for dynamic display, and the server side uses Node.js and RESTful API with Express.js for communication with the client. This website will help Manokwari Samsat officers serve residents better, and make it easier for residents to find out information and rules for each service.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Leli Juliyati leli , Julius Panda Putra Naibaho Naibaho Copyright (c) 2024 Leli Juliyati leli, j.naibaho@unipa.ac.id https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 13 2 7 21 10.30862/jistech.v13i2.427 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A WEB-BASED APPLICATION FOR ISSUING SPPD AND LEAVE PERMITS AT THE GENERAL ELECTION COMMISSION OF SOUTH MANOKWARI REGENCY https://jurnal.unipa.ac.id/index.php/istech/article/view/430 <p>Current technology has become a crucial part of an institution or company to help accelerate processes and minimize human errors. The General Election Commission (KPU) of South Manokwari Regency in West Papua Province, specifically, has not yet fully implemented leave permissions as stipulated in labor regulations for its employees, especially those bound by annual contracts. Similarly, the issuance of official travel orders (SPPD) for employees is hampered by administrative workforce issues, resulting in delays in the issuance of SPPDs as permits to leave the location for other out-of-town work. The Web-Based Application for Issuing SPPD and Leave Permits is created using the CodeIgniter framework, all of which are free licensed applications. With the design and development of this system and application, it is expected to maximize work time effectively by better controlling the leave of specialist service personnel and more efficiently managing business trips</p> CHRISTIAN SUHENDRA Nona Susana Pariamalinya Lion Ferdinand Marini Copyright (c) 2024 CHRISTIAN SUHENDRA, Nona Susana Pariamalinya, Lion Ferdinand Marini https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 13 2 10.30862/jistech.v13i2.430 DESIGN OF A WEB-BASED IN OUT STOCK INFORMATION SYSTEM WITH CODEIGNITER FRAMEWORK AT THE METROCHILON PAPUANA GEMILANG (MPG) WOSI STORE https://jurnal.unipa.ac.id/index.php/istech/article/view/451 <p>With the aim of overcoming management and storage problems that still use manual methods in storing data, products, incoming goods, and outgoing goods along with each existing report. It is felt to be less effective and inefficient, because if there is an addition to product data, incoming goods, outgoing goods along with each data report must be studied in detail as a whole, so as to provide ineffectiveness in data processing and storage. The impact of this problem is the delay in providing reports to business owners. and with the existence of an application system "Designing a Web-Based In Out Stock Information System with Codeigniter Framework at the Metrochilon Papuana Gemilang (MPG) Wosi Store". With the mechanism of the in out stock application system, the company gets stock data of goods that are still available to then be used as a reference for incoming and outgoing goods, the issuance of goods is more systematic. With this mechanism, it is proven to help the company's performance and overcome problems in accordance with current technological developments.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dhian Pramana Aschary Christian Dwi Suhendra Bertha Pangaribuan Copyright (c) 2024 Dhian Pramana Aschary, Christian Dwi Suhendra, Bertha Pangaribuan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 13 2 29 36 10.30862/jistech.v13i2.451 Design and Development of a Website-Based Road Repair Complaints Information System https://jurnal.unipa.ac.id/index.php/istech/article/view/492 <table width="590"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="385"> <p>Improving the quality of road infrastructure is one of the main priorities in regional development, especially in ensuring the comfort and safety of road users. Road damage that is not immediately repaired can disrupt community activities and increase the risk of accidents, ranging from potholes to serious damage. Therefore, a system is needed to report and receive road damage. Therefore, the author designed and built a website-based road repair complaint information system using the Laravel framework and MYSQL database. With this system, it is hoped that it will make it easier for the public to report road damage in real-time and assist relevant agencies in managing and authenticating reports quickly and transparently.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Aprianto Tandi Kamma Cristian Dwi Suhendra Lion Ferdinand Marini Copyright (c) 2024 Aprianto Tandi Kamma, Cristian Dwi Suhendra, Lion Ferdinand Marini https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 13 2 10.30862/jistech.v13i2.492 SERVICE QUALITY OF SERVICE (Qos) TESTING STREAMING VIDEO ON WIRELESS NETWORKS USING THE HTB (HIERARCHICAL TOKEN BUCKET) METHOD (CASE STUDY AT THE ICT UPT OF PAPUA UNIVERSITY, MANOKWARI DISTRICT) https://jurnal.unipa.ac.id/index.php/istech/article/view/528 <table width="590"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="385"> <p><em>At the same time as the increase in internet users in Indonesia, the number of users has also increased for both video and audio streaming. This increase is based on very rapid technological developments, especially notebooks and tablets that use wireless internet access. The use of streaming video transmission over a wireless network is different from a cable network because the characteristics of wireless networks are limited compared to cable networks, and the characteristics of streaming video transmission require different handling from text data transmission in general. To maintain the stability of internet services for users who access various applications on the internet, the QOS (Quality Of Service) method will be implemented on wireless networks with HTB (Hierarchical Token Bucket) data used, namely video with quality 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p. The QoS parameters analyzed consist of Delay, Jitter, Packet Loss, and Throughput. Test results using the RTP protocol for video streaming have a jitter value of 0 ms because RTP is designed to compensate for jitter and desequencing, if a packet is dropped or lost in the network then RTP will not retransmit to avoid delays due to retransmission requests. To get good video results, packet loss must be between 0% - 3%. If the packet loss is more than 3%, the video results obtained are not satisfactory because the video has a lot of image and sound damage. The author conducted research at UPT Tik Unipa.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> novalin kladit Fridolin F. paiki Christian Dwi Suhendra Copyright (c) 2024 novalin kladit, Fridolin F. paiki, Christian Dwi Suhendra https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 13 2 70 81 10.30862/jistech.v13i2.528