Journal of Research in Instructional <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Journal of Research in Instructional [e-ISSN: <a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2776-222X</a>]</strong> is an Open Access Journal published by the Universitas Papua. Journal of Research in Instructional is regularly published bi-annually. By publishing bi-annually: June and December Journal of Research in Instructional is intended to communicate original researches and current issues on education and instruction including: research on learning and teaching strategies, curriculum development, assessment, and material development, teacher development, and educational evaluation policy. <strong>Nationally Accredited based on the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Number <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">79/E/2023</a> as SINTA 3 Journal (for 2021 – 2025).</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Research in Instructional publishes comprehensive research articles by inviting reviews from the leading experts in the fields. The incoming papers will be blind peer-reviewed and selected based on high scientific studies and the ability to provide important contributions to the field. Journal of Research in Instructional has become a member of Crossref with DOI, so all articles published by the Journal of Research in Instructional will have a unique DOI number.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Starting in 2023, JRI uses a continuous publication system. Once the article has finished all the editing and layout processes, it will be published immediately without waiting for other articles to complete the whole issue. Furthermore, the entire issue will be built gradually, and the other article will be added. Journal of Research in Instructional publishes at least 50 articles each year (consisting of at least <strong>25 articles</strong> in each edition).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> Univeritas Papua en-US Journal of Research in Instructional 2776-222X <blockquote> <p> </p> </blockquote> Percentage of Pancasila student profile dimensions in the Merdeka curriculum and the implications for high school guidance and counseling programs <p>The Merdeka curriculum is an improvement on the previous curriculum, namely the 2013 curriculum, whose implementation was based on the implementation of the Pancasila student profile. The aim of this research is to compare the six dimensions of the Pancasila student profile in order to assist counselors in developing guidance and counseling service programs. This research uses a survey method. The research subjects were 90 students in class X at a private Catholic high school in Malang. The results of data analysis in this study found that the percentage of the dimensions of faith, devotion to God Almighty, and having noble morals was 80.56%, the global diversity dimension was 72.83%, the mutual cooperation dimension was 81.61%, the independent dimension was 83.78%, the critical reasoning was obtained at 81.50%, and the creative dimension was obtained at 77.67%. The findings of this study can be utilized as a point of reference for counselors to design guidance and counseling programs in schools to enhance or maintain values that strengthen dimensions within the Pancasila student profile. This includes collaborating with subject teachers, conducting group guidance, using traditional games, art therapy, and various counseling techniques.</p> Thadeus Ega Fausta Muslihati Muslihati Henny Indreswari Copyright (c) 2024 Thadeus Ega Fausta, Muslihati Muslihati, Henny Indreswari 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 4 2 314 323 10.30862/jri.v4i2.416 Project-based learning in basic photography learning: The effect on student learning outcome <p>This research aims to assess the impact of implementing the project based learning on enhancing student learning outcomes in photography sessions within the visual communication design program at Vocational High School. Additionally, the study intends to compare the effectiveness of this learning with conventional learning. The study used a quasi-experimental method using a non-equivalent control group. The study was carried out at Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 1 Kepanjen. The samples in this research were X-grade students in visual communication design. They were separated into two groups: the experimental group, consisting of 17 students, and the control group, also composed of 17 students. The data was gathered by assessing students' learning outcomes before and after using the learning strategies of each group. The research utilized a portfolio of photographic project outcomes as the instrument, which included specified evaluation criteria. The data analysis in the research included a normality test, homogeneity test, and independent samples t-test. The findings indicated a notable disparity in learning outcomes between the experimental and control groups. The study findings suggest project-based learning may enhance student learning outcomes in photography sessions.</p> Mokhamad Dwi Agung Saputra Saida Ulfa Made Duananda Kartika Degeng Copyright (c) 2024 Mokhamad Dwi Agung Saputra, Saida Ulfa, Made Duananda Kartika Degeng 2024-07-13 2024-07-13 4 2 324 332 10.30862/jri.v4i2.421 Development of science flipbook to increase student learning activities <p>This research aims to find out whether learning resources in the form of science flipbooks can be valid, practical and effective in increasing student activity. With the help of this media, students are encouraged to actively participate in their own learning and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Analysis, planning, development, implementation and evaluation of data collected through observation and questionnaire methods is part of the ADDIE model research development (RnD) approach. This media is "very valid" based on research results which show a media validation level of 96% and a material validation level of 82%. Both teachers and students give high marks to the media because of its usefulness; the teacher gave it 85% and the students 89%, so the combined total was 87.5%. If we look at the use of science flipbook learning media, it can be seen that the level of student activity increased from 59.18% (the "fair" level) at the beginning of class and increased to 77.56% (the "high" level) after using the flipbook. The research conclusion is that the science flipbook learning media has succeeded in making students more involved in learning.</p> Ana Muliana Sri Damayanti Nurmayanti Nurmayanti Syamsunir Syamsunir Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Muliana Sri Damayanti, Nurmayanti Nurmayanti, Syamsunir Syamsunir 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 4 2 333 344 10.30862/jri.v4i2.424 Developing teaching materials for writing observation report texts using Powtoon for grade X high school students <p>This study aims to develop teaching materials for writing observation report texts based on technology by utilizing the Powtoon application for class X SMA students. This study uses a development procedure called the ADDIE model. This study was conducted at SMA Negeri 15 Pekanbaru with 36 class XB students as research subjects. The data collection techniques used were student needs analysis questionnaires, validation questionnaires for teaching material products by validators, trials (limited tests), and teacher and student assessment questionnaires. The results showed that the quality of the product development of teaching materials for writing observation report texts based on Powtoon for class X SMA students was seen from the results of expert validation and got a score of 4.5 (90%), the practicality of the product was seen from the results of teacher assessments of 4.6 (92%) and student assessments of 4.5 (90%). The average pre-test score was 64, and the post-test was 87, which was stated to be significantly different based on the Wilcoxon test. It can be concluded that teaching materials designed using Powtoon for class X SMA students are very feasible and have the potential to be used in learning to write observation report texts.</p> Agidia Karina Mangatur Sinaga Charlina Charlina Copyright (c) 2024 Agidia Karina, Mangatur Sinaga, Charlina Charlina 2024-07-27 2024-07-27 4 2 345 358 10.30862/jri.v4i2.425 The practicality of connected type-based science teaching materials on simple plane principles in human movement systems <p>The aim of this research is to determine the practicality of science teaching materials based on the connected type. This research uses a method of testing the level of practicality of teaching materials on simple aircraft and human movement systems. Data and information collection was carried out through interviews with science teachers regarding the teaching materials used for learning. The data collection technique consists of classroom management which can be determined from the results of the teacher's overall observations according to the number of students that have been determined and student response questionnaires are used to determine student responses to Integrated Science Teaching Materials. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques consist of classroom management analysis and student response analysis. The practicality of integrated science teaching materials is stated to be practical to apply. The results of the analysis of class management from all meetings obtained grades in the very good category and the questionnaire analysis of student responses in the learning process obtained results with good criteria.</p> Ikrawati R. Husin Muhammad Yusuf Frida Maryati Yusuf Tirtawaty Abdjul Copyright (c) 2024 Ikrawati R. Husin, Muhammad Yusuf, Frida Maryati Yusuf, Tirtawaty Abdjul 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 359 366 10.30862/jri.v4i2.332 Input hypotheses for developing EFL/ESL learners’ listening comprehension skills <p>The objective of this study is to examine the significance of the input hypothesis in enhancing the listening comprehension abilities of EFL/ESL learners. The methodology employed in this study is a critical literature review. This entailed a comprehensive search for relevant articles and other sources, a meticulous reading of the material, the categorization of data, a thorough analysis, and the synthesis of findings. The findings of this study indicate that the input hypothesis plays an essential role in developing ESL/EFL learners' listening comprehension abilities through the acquisition of comprehensible inputs. The activation of linguistic background knowledge enables EFL/ESL learners to develop pronunciation skills, understanding of grammatical accuracy, lexical resources, and meaning. Optimizing the inputs of the listening strategy (cognitive, metacognitive, socio-affective) assists EFL/ESL learners in activating their memory about listening materials. This is achieved through making inferences, elaborations, summaries, translations, observations, assessments, and becoming involved in the community. Inputs from media, audio (visual), and practices can develop EFL/ESL learners' cognition, motivation, stimulating perception, activating prior knowledge. In conclusion, the components of the comprehensible inputs must be integrated and developed in a coordinated manner during the teaching and learning process of listening skills.</p> Yulius Yosef Kasimo Maria Kristina Ota Yuliana M. D’Karmel Kara Copyright (c) 2024 Yulius Yosef Kasimo, Maria Kristina Ota, Yuliana M. D’Karmel Kara 2024-08-14 2024-08-14 4 2 367 379 10.30862/jri.v4i2.436 An Animated videos based on Tajweed science to improve students' ability to read the Al-Qur'an <p>Tajweed learning videos are made to help students become more proficient in reading the Al-Qur'an. This study aims to develop an animated video based on valid, practical, and effective Tajweed science to improve elementary school students' ability to read the Al-Qur'an. The research used the ADDIE research and development model. The study subjects were 24 fifth-grade students of Al-Qur'an Wahdah Islamiyah 02 Makassar Elementary School. Data were collected through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis. The study has produced an animated video media based on Tajweed science. Based on the results of the analysis of media development needs, it is at the percentage needed, and from the results of interviews with students regarding understanding the material, it was found that students had not received more material related to Tajweed science. The animated video developed has met the criteria of valid based on material experts (89%) and media experts (93%), practical based on student responses (90) and teachers (92.70), and can improve the ability to read the Al-Qur'an of elementary school students (pretest = 58.8, posttest 93.5). This study concludes that animated videos based on Tajweed science have met the valid, practical, and effective criteria in improving elementary school students' ability to read the Al-Qur'an.</p> Nasrul Nasrul Hamsu Abdul Gani Abdul Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 Nasrul Nasrul, Hamsu Abdul Gani, Abdul Hakim 2024-08-17 2024-08-17 4 2 380 393 10.30862/jri.v4i2.437 Virtual-based digital library website: A development for the educational technology master's study program at Universitas Negeri Makassar <p>This research and development study aims to produce a Virtual-based digital library website. The media development process refers to the ADDIE model. The media questionnaire respondents were 10 students (small group trial), 30 (large group trial) and 1 UNM PPs lecturer. The needs analysis was based on interview data with the Head of Study Program and questions on the student questionnaire. The digital library website development design used canva, flowchart, Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) version 7 and Codeigniter template. The results showed that the assessment of the material expert and media expert validators were each in the valid and very valid categories with an average of 3.8 and 4.5 out of a maximum value of 5. The level of practicality of the media obtained from a small group test of 10 students obtained a percentage of 83.75% (very high) and the results of the analysis of the lecturer response questionnaire obtained an average of 82.50 (very high category). The level of effectiveness of the Virtual-based digital library website media obtained from a large group test with a percentage of 83.46% (very high effectiveness). Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the development of a virtual-based digital library website in the Master of Educational Technology Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Makassar State University can help manage and become a link for various sources of reference and information.</p> Andi Achmad Yani Hamsu Abdul Gani Awaluddin Muin Lu’mu Lu’mu Arnidah Arnidah Nurhikmah Nurhikmah Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Achmad Yani, Hamsu Abdul Gani, Awaluddin Muin, Lu’mu Lu’mu, Arnidah Arnidah, Nurhikmah Nurhikmah 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 4 2 394 410 10.30862/jri.v4i2.440 Poster media on the subject of Al-Qur'an Hadith in increasing students' learning motivation <p>This research aims to describe the use of poster media in Al-Qur'an and Hadith subjects in increasing student learning motivation at MIS Islamiyyah Londut North Labuhanbatu. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methodology. Qualitative research methods are used as research techniques that produce descriptive data. Data collection techniques used include observation, interview and documentation. Research findings show that the use of poster media in Al-Qur'an and Hadith subjects is carried out using a violent approach. This method involves the teacher being in front of the class, using visual aids such as posters. The teacher continues by explaining the contents of the poster sequentially and step by step. Students show a level of enthusiasm and excitement in the learning process in class because the learning material is presented with visuals that are relevant to the Al-Qur'an and Hadith subjects they are studying. In the context of using poster media in learning the Qur'an and Hadith, observations show several clear signs of how students become more motivated, including: Increased student enthusiasm, students are more active, increasing students' curiosity. The use of poster media shows that students' enthusiasm and motivation for learning has increased, because they prefer to use visual aids, such as photos, when teaching, rather than just relying on verbal material.</p> Mursal Aziz M. Hasbie Ashshiddiqi Siti Sakinah Copyright (c) 2024 Mursal Aziz, M. Hasbie Ashshiddiqi, Siti Sakinah 2024-09-06 2024-09-06 4 2 411 424 10.30862/jri.v4i2.447 Development of android-based mobile learning media to increase learning results in vocational high schools <p>The purpose of this research is to produce android-based mobile learning media and to determine its effectiveness on student learning outcomes. This research is a type of research and development method conducted through the ADDIE model, so this research is a type of research and development. The media was validated by experts in three fields, namely material, media, and language. The test subjects were 32 vocational students majoring in Automotive Engineering. Data analysis conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the media involves the use of n-gain score and paired sample test statistics. The results of the study prove that, (1) the mobile learning media developed is very feasible to be used in learning activities for equipment and supplies in the workplace based on the results of validation by material experts of 87.8%, language experts of 95%, media experts of 90.5%, and student responses of 93.3%. (2) mobile learning media is very effective to use and has a significant effect on improving student learning outcomes, based on the results of the average score of the field trial after using mobile learning of 86.94 with a gain value of 0.72 with high criteria and t-test results of 0.00 &lt;0.05. (3) the application of mobile learning as learning media makes it possible for students to learn independently.</p> Muhamad Bani Malik Ranu Iskandar Rizqi Fitri Naryanto Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Bani Malik, Ranu Iskandar, Rizqi Fitri Naryanto 2024-09-21 2024-09-21 4 2 425 438 10.30862/jri.v4i2.462 Cultural synergy: Integrating Lamin Dayak Kenyah in English language learning – A need analysis study <p>This research aims to identify students' preferences and interests in learning English through Lamin Dayak Kenyah architectural buildings. This research is a mixed research that combines quantitative and qualitative data. The participants were 271 students and 33 English lecturers at universities. The methods used to collect data were classroom observations, surveys, and interviews to identify specific needs faced by students and lecturers when incorporating traditional houses into learning materials. The four fundamental English language skills—listening, reading, writing, speaking—are included in the results. In listening skills, students and lecturers prefer to learn and teach English by watching videos and listening to dialogues or conversations. In reading ability, students and lecturers want to learn with intensive reading, active reading, and critical reading. Regarding writing skills, students and lecturers prefer assignments such as writing descriptive texts and opinion articles. In speaking skills, students and lecturers want to learn through discussion and describing pictures orally. In choosing topics, students and lecturers are interested in the history of local architectural buildings, traditional house design, and the symbolism, color, and meaning of the carvings. Project-based learning (PBL) is the preferred learning method, and learning resources are drawn from videos and interactive learning tools. Future research can utilize these findings to design more targeted instructional materials, leveraging the results of the needs analysis that has been conducted in this study.</p> Yustina Fitriani Muhammad Henry Gunawan Copyright (c) 2024 Yustina Fitriani, M. Hendry Gunawan 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 4 2 439 452 10.30862/jri.v4i2.463 Development of augmented reality human skeleton to improve students’ cognitive learning outcomes on movement systems practice <p>The purpose of this study was to develop and reveal the effect of using Augmented Reality Human Skeleton in learning of human movement system on students' cognitive learning outcomes. This study uses the Multimedia-Based Instructional Design development model from Lee &amp; Owens. The developed media was tested for validity. Cognitive ability was measured using a description test and a paired t test was carried out. Researchers validated the product through material experts and obtained a perfect score, with a score of 100% for content quality and objectives and learning quality, which was stated as Very valid. Media validation also showed very good results, with a score of 100% for suitability, attractiveness, and usefulness, and 95% for Simplicity. In addition, the practicality test of the media by students obtained a score of 96% for appearance, 97% for convenience, and 95% for ease of understanding the material, all of which were stated as practical. The results of the study showed a significant influence of the implementation of this media on students' cognitive learning outcomes. The use of Augmented Reality Human Skeleton showed a significant increase in students' cognitive (pretest = 61.1 and posttest 87.9). Thus, the application of Augmented Reality Human Skeleton in learning the human movement system is proven valid, practical, and able to improve students' cognitive learning outcomes.</p> Mochammad Hilman Amirudin Nahri Zainul Abidin Yerry Soepriyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Mochammad Hilman Amirudin Nahri, Zainul Abidin, Yerry Soepriyanto 2024-09-24 2024-09-24 4 2 453 464 10.30862/jri.v4i2.459 Visual, audio, and kinesthetic students' learning independence: Improvement through the development of augmented reality media <p>Technology has provided new educational opportunities, but the implementation could be more optimal. Learning facilities that remain focused on conventional methods often need more learners with the Visual, Audio, and Kinesthetic (VAK) learning style. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of this learning media in improving learning achievement and information retention, focusing on visual, audio, and kinesthetic learning styles. This research was a research development that used the Lee &amp; Owens model, which consisted of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The validation result of the media was 98.5%, material validation was 100%, and learning device validation was 100%. The results of the implementation of self-assignment in the control class obtained an average of 78.8 and in the experimental class 90.5. The research concluded that learning media is practical and can help facilitate biology learning in visual, audio, and kinesthetic learning styles.</p> Hendra Susanto Deny Setiawan Zahra Firdaus Claresia Tsany Kusmayadi Umi Fitriyati Copyright (c) 2024 Hendra Susanto, Deny Setiawan, Zahra Firdaus, Claresia Tsany Kusmayadi, Umi Fitriyati 2024-09-26 2024-09-26 4 2 465–480 465–480 10.30862/jri.v4i2.420 Technology integration in arabic language learning: A literature review on the effectiveness of e-learning and mobile applications <p>The integration of digital technology in Arabic language learning offers benefits such as increased student motivation and personalized learning, but faces challenges such as the digital divide, limited infrastructure, and inadequate teacher training, especially in rural areas. Objectives This study analyzes the effectiveness of technology integration, particularly e-learning and mobile applications, in Arabic language learning, as well as identifies the challenges of its implementation. The research used a systematic literature review method by reviewing articles from databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, ERIC, and Google Scholar (2019-2024). The data collected included research methods, technology type, sample size, main results, and conclusions and recommendations. And the findings of this study are E-learning increases student participation and material access, while mobile applications are effective in increasing motivation and language comprehension. The integration of these technologies not only provides a more affordable and customized learning solution, but also supports the achievement of better learning outcomes, especially for non-native speakers and migrants. Thus, the utilization of e-learning and mobile applications in Arabic language education holds great promise for improving the quality of language acquisition in a broader context.</p> Alsadika Ziaul Haq Muhammad Akmansyah Erlina Erlina Koderi Koderi Copyright (c) 2024 Alsadika Ziaul Haq, Muhammad Akmansyah, Erlina Erlina, Koderi Koderi 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 4 2 481–494 481–494 10.30862/jri.v4i2.473 Using structural equation modelling to investigate the mediating effects of TPACK on intention to use technology <p>This article aims to understand, through structural equation modelling (SEM), how the knowledge of technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) mediates the intention to accept and use technology by teachers’ college lecturers. The ultimate aim is to come up with a sem-generated model which teacher training colleges can use to train lecturers in technology use. Structural equation modeling is a sophisticated multivariate statistical process that enables researchers to analyze the direct and indirect effects of variables on one another, construct theoretical concepts, test the reliability of their measurements, hypothesize and test a theory about their relationships, and account for measurement errors. A questionnaire founded on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was employed to gather data from instructors at ten teacher-training colleges. Simple random sampling was used to select 300 valid questionnaires used in the analysis. Statistic package R was used to run SEM and the results confirmed the mediating role of TPACK in the behavior intention to accept and use technology by lecturers.</p> Havatidi Madzamba Alois Matorevhu Copyright (c) 2024 Havatidi Madzamba, Alois Matorevhu 2024-10-15 2024-10-15 4 2 495 506 10.30862/jri.v4i2.483 Burnout among the non-government secondary school teachers in Bangladesh: Prevalence, causes and effects <p>Nowadays, psychological burnout is prevalent in all professions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence, causes, and consequences of burnout among non-government school teachers in Panchagarh. This study used an explanatory sequential mixed approach. A stratified random selection methodology was employed to pick 25 schools, and 242 teachers were chosen using a simple random sample procedure. Finally, a purposive sample technique was used to select 15 teachers. Data was acquired using a standardized questionnaire and in-depth interviews. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educator Survey (MBI-ES) was used to assess the prevalence of burnout. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and thematic analyses. The study found a high prevalence of burnout in non-government school teachers in Panchagarh, with 48.35% experiencing high emotional exhaustion, 51.24% high depersonalization, and 45.04% low personal accomplishment. Also, the study found that low salary are the most contributing factor to burnout. Furthermore, 78.6% of respondents agreed that teacher burnout has negative effects on student academic achievement. Finally, the presence of teacher burnout in education is a challenging issue, as it negatively affects every aspect of the learning and teaching process. This study has implications for policymakers to develop plans to reduce teacher burnout and enhance teachers’ overall well-being.</p> Bijon Kumar Roy Md. Solaiman Jony Md. Fajlay Rabbi Copyright (c) 2024 Bijon Kumar Roy, Md. Solaiman Jony, Md. Fajlay Rabbi 2024-10-17 2024-10-17 4 2 507 525 10.30862/jri.v4i2.496 OKE STAR: Supporting the success of lesson study in high school <p>The first aim of our study is to document how the SBLS implementation process works. The second aim is to analyze teacher and student responses to implementing a School Based Lesson Study (SBLS). This research is survey research. The survey was conducted at one of the state high schools in Malang. The data collection process was carried out through observation, interviews, and the administration of questionnaires. Data collection was carried out in May 2024. Participants in this study were 33 students. They are 1 school principal, three Indonesian language subject teachers, and 29 class XI science students. A total of 16 male students and 13 female students. The students' ages range from 15 to 16 years. Observation, interviews, and student and teacher response questionnaires collected data. Data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The survey results show that implementing Lesson Study (LS) in schools has gone well. Students no longer look awkward when observed; teachers are skilled at planning and reflecting on learning outcomes. The school principal actively participates in LS activities by implementing the OKE STAR method. The response of teachers and students to learning that uses LS activities is very good.</p> Wachidah Hayuana Husnul Chotimah Ibrohim Ibrohim Herawati Susilo Insar Damopolii Eni Susanti Louis Ivana Sasea Muh. Syahriridani Copyright (c) 2024 Wachidah Hayuana, Husnul Chotimah, Ibrohim Ibrohim, Herawati Susilo, Insar Damopolii, Eni Susanti, Louis Ivana Sasea, Muh. Syahriridani 2024-10-17 2024-10-17 4 2 526 536 10.30862/jri.v4i2.411 Analysis of critical thinking ability of class X senior high school students <p>Students' critical thinking abilities influence the development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities. Students who have critical thinking ability are able to analyze a problem so they can make decisions. The aim of the research is to determine and describe the initial critical thinking abilities of class X students at MA Nurul Huda, Central Java. This research is quantitative research based on critical thinking ability tests. The instrument used is a test sheet in the form of multiple-choice questions which contains indicators of critical thinking abilities. The results of the research are critical thinking abilities which are categorized into five, namely very good, good, sufficient, low, and very low. Based on data analysis, it is known that the initial critical thinking ability of grade X MA Nurul Huda Central Java students for very good, good, sufficient, low, and very low categories is 0%, 4,54%, 31,82%, 50%, and 13,64%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the critical thinking ability of class X students at MA Nurul Huda, Central Java, is low and needs to be improved.</p> Sri Cacik Ifa Seftia Rakhma Widiyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Cacik, Ifa Seftia Rakhma Widiyanti 2024-10-19 2024-10-19 4 2 537 545 10.30862/jri.v4i2.484 Primary school bullying: Factors, forms and solutions <p>This research is motivated by the rampant cases of bullying in schools caused by various factors and forms of bullying behavior played by students in schools. This study describes the forms, factors, and solutions the school has implemented. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative method to write the findings. Data collection was carried out using interviews, observations, and filling out questionnaires. The results illustrate that bullying behavior that occurs at school can be verbal by mocking, insinuating, and instigating. While social bullying, such as ostracising friends. In response, primary schools in Malang City formed an anti-bullying task force to minimize bullying and educate students regarding it in the school environment. The task force's role is to educate (remind) what bullying is for all students in the school and to model positive behavior (role model).</p> Muhammad Aidi Noor Ihsan Didik Sukriono Riska Pristiani Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Aidi Noor Ihsan, Didik Sukriono, Riska Pristiani, Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 4 2 546–558 546–558 10.30862/jri.v4i2.376 "I'm not a tech-savvy teacher": An English teacher's journey in applying TPACK in Indonesia <p>Although research on TPACK in education has been done, limited studies have explored the application of TPACK in the EFL classroom within an Indonesian context. The aim of this research was to narrate the story of an experienced English teacher who encountered challenges in implementing the TPACK framework, and to reveal the advantages of utilizing the TPACK framework in the Indonesian teaching context. The researcher collected data using a set of steps consist semi-structure interviews, observations, and document analysis. An English teacher working in an Indonesian setting was selected to take part in this narrative inquiry. The interview information was examined using thematic analysis. The research discovered that applying the TPACK model was a complicated process hindered by internal and external barriers. On the other hand, using the TPACK framework offers advantages to both students and teachers, including increased motivation, a more engaging and flexible learning environment, and prospects to create multimedia resources. The results offer valuable insights for English teachers in developing nations about integration of TPACK in English instruction.</p> Lita Liviani Taopan Renol Aprico Siregar Klemens Maksianus Lenga Copyright (c) 2024 Lita Liviani Taopan , Klemens Maksianus Lenga, Renol Arprico Siregar 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 4 2 559 573 10.30862/jri.v4i2.434 Analysis of rational emotional behavioral counseling implementation by counselors to fulfill the meaning of life of students <p>The Research aims to determine the application of rational emotional behavioral counseling to fulfill the meaning of life of Islamic boarding school students. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods. The population and sample used in this research were Islamic School at Malang City students who live in Ma'had. From the results of the analysis, it was found that Rational Emotional Behavioral Counseling through the process showed that each individual has various kinds of irrational thoughts in interpreting or carrying out their daily lives which will ultimately cause the individual to confine themselves to wrong life values. Therefore, in the series of rational emotional behavioral counseling, there are ABC-D-EFG stages where the counselor will start by identifying the activating event (A), then the counselor also needs to explore each consequence (C), which is the result of the activating event that the person has counselee. Then, we will also look for problematic beliefs (B) to find points of irrational thinking that will ultimately be dispelled (D) and replaced with new, more rational thoughts. The hope is that the emergence of new thoughts and feelings can bring the value of creativity, experience, and behaving under norms. It can also set new goals for the counselee to understand each goal orientation better.</p> Aisyiah Aiwani Nur Hidayah IM Hambali Copyright (c) 2024 Aisyiah Aiwani, Nur Hidayah, IM Hambali 2024-10-24 2024-10-24 4 2 574 585 10.30862/jri.v4i2.493 Development of digital modules for English subjects for fourth grade elementary school students <p>The study aims to develop a digital module for English subjects in elementary schools. The development follows the flow of the ADDIE model. The study subjects were 2 validators and 9 students during the small group trial and 31 during the large group trial. Data collection used a needs identification questionnaire, a validation questionnaire for material experts and design experts, a small group trial questionnaire, and a test. Data were calculated by calculating scores and percentages for validity and student responses, while the effectiveness test used the Wilcoxn and n-gain tests. The study results found that identifying student needs was in the required qualifications. The results of the validity level of the digital module from the assessment of the material expert validator were 89% and the media/design expert 94% (very valid). The results at the level of practicality obtained from the analysis of the small group response questionnaire were 97 (very practical). Furthermore, the level of effectiveness of the digital module was 0.8 (high), with significant test results showing a significant difference before and after learning. It was concluded that the product can be used in the classroom learning process to teach students English.</p> Syahnaz Nabila Anjani Pratiwi Nurhikmah Nurhikmah Citra Rosalyn Anwar Copyright (c) 2024 Syahnaz Nabila Anjani Pratiwi, Nurhikmah Nurhikmah, Citra Rosalyn Anwar 2024-11-06 2024-11-06 4 2 586 600 10.30862/jri.v4i2.504 Digital literacy level of prospective teacher students in the 4.0 industrial revolution era <p>Digital literacy is an essential competency needed in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, driven by rapid technological advancements. This study aims to analyze the level of digital literacy of prospective teacher students in facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, focusing on students’ demographics, namely age, gender and length of study. Survey method was administered in this study, involving 120 prospective teacher students from Universitas Insan Budi Utomo as the respondents. The data were collected through a questionnaire of 1-5 Likert scale, which included questions assessing students' digital literacy levels. The findings of this study portrayed data on students' digital literacy levels according to demographics (gender, age, and length of study). In general, the digital literacy level of Insan Budi Utomo University students is known to be in the “fairly good” category with an average score of 3.14 for the knowledge aspect and 3.20 for the usage aspect. The results of this study are recommended as a reference for designing learning experiences that empower digital literacy, supporting students in becoming more digitally proficient.</p> Tri Asih Wahyu Hartati Purwaning Budi Lestari Nurcholis Istiawan Ericka Darmawan Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Asih Wahyu Hartati, Purwaning Budi Lestari, Nurcholis Istiawan, Ericka Darmawan 2024-11-07 2024-11-07 4 2 601 609 10.30862/jri.v4i2.485 The influence of principal's leadership, discipline, and teacher motivation on the performance of public elementary school teachers <p>How well teachers do their jobs in the classroom has a direct bearing on how well their pupils do in school. In order to determine whether pupils are ready to join the commercial and industrial sector, the efficacy of their teachers is essential. Improving the efficiency of educators has a bearing on the quality of the human capital developed via schools. In order to better understand how teacher motivation affects performance, how discipline affects performance, and how principal leadership affects performance, this research will examine all three of these factors. Furthermore, the research evaluates the impact of principal leadership, teacher motivation, and disciplinary measures on student outcomes. The participants in this quantitative study were 295 educators from Banyuasin I District's State Elementary School. We used a simple random selection strategy to identify 75 instructors for our sample. Data collection was conducted through the administration of questionnaires, which were subsequently subjected to analysis via multiple linear regression methodologies. The influence of principal leadership exhibited a partial positive correlation with teacher performance, while teacher discipline also demonstrated a partial positive correlation with teacher performance; conversely, teacher motivation revealed no discernible partial impact on teacher performance. Furthermore, it was determined that principal leadership, discipline, and motivation collectively exerted a significant influence on student achievement.</p> Herni Herni Saleh Hidayat Rhini Fatmasari Copyright (c) 2024 Herni Herni, Saleh Hidayat, Rhini Fatmasari 2024-11-08 2024-11-08 4 2 610 622 10.30862/jri.v4i2.394 An analysis of primary school students' scientific literacy <p>The study aims to analyze the scientific literacy skills of elementary school students. In addition, differences in scientific literacy based on gender were also examined in this study. The study is quantitative and measures students' scientific literacy. Researchers investigated the literacy profile of sixth-grade students in one of the primary schools in Malang City. The target population was 107 sixth-grade students. The sampling technique was saturated, and the population was included in the sample. Data were collected using ten multiple-choice tests. The findings were analyzed by calculating the results of the validity and reliability tests, percentages, mean, and the Mann-Whitney test to calculate the differences in scientific literacy of boys and girls. The results showed that ten items were valid (sig. &lt;0.05), and the reliability was 0.72. The results of the study showed that the less category dominated students' scientific literacy, while only 2.80% achieved excellence. The average total scientific literacy of students was less (45.51). There is no difference in the scientific literacy of girls and boys. It can be concluded from this study that the scientific literacy skills of sixth-grade primary school students are lacking but do not show significant differences between boys and girls. The results of this research are the basis for developing students' scientific literacy in the future by creating appropriate learning.</p> Nur Indah Ririn Fitriani Nasir Endang Purwaningsih Ratna Ekawati Tomás de Aquino Caluyua Yambi Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Indah Ririn Fitriani Nasir, Endang Purwaningsih, Ratna Ekawati, Tomás de Aquino Caluyua Yambi 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 4 2 623 634 10.30862/jri.v4i2.544