STEM career interest of junior high school students in Indonesia: A survey research
Grade differences, STEM field, student career interestAbstract
Applying STEM integration in education already become a concern because there is still a lack of STEM integration in schools. This study aims to analyze STEM career interest among junior high school students in Indonesia and analyze the factors that influence student interest and differ by grade. The researcher conducted survey research by adapting the STEM-CIS instrument in the shape of a 5-point Likert scale. The questionnaire consists of 44 questions with 4 dimensions of STEM and 8 open-ended questions. The survey was administered to 1510 junior high school students in several provinces in Indonesia. This finding obtained the value of the average and standard deviation for each dimension of STEM. The results also obtained factors influenced student career Interest in STEM such as internal and environmental. This study can encourage science educators to improve STEM facilities and apply STEM learning to encourage students to pursue STEM careers in the future.
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