Design of learning python programming for informatics education student using cloud computing technology based on google colaboratory
Cloud computing, CSCL, gamification, google colaboratoryAbstract
The application of technology in learning can provide many benefits, such as enriching learning methods, increasing learning motivation and facilitating access to information. The world of education greatly benefits from the existence of cloud computing technology such as google colaboratory in the Informatics Education department. Learning design that is integrated with technology requires a suitable design in conducting technology-integrated collaborative learning. In this study, researchers designed a computer support collaborative learning with a gamification approach using the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ASSURE model. The design test was conducted by content experts, design experts, media experts, and gamification experts. The series of learning designs developed by researchers received positive results by experts. The validation results assessed by content experts get a score of 100%, media experts get a score of 95%, design experts get a score of 87%, and gamification experts get a score of 88%. Based on this score, this learning design is suitable for implementation.
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