Strategies for meaningful learning in higher education
Keywords: Meaningful learning, active learning, teaching strategies.Abstract
This work aims to analyze and explain the didactic strategies used to achieve meaningful learning. The problem addressed here is the need to change traditional didactic teaching in higher education programs toward more meaningful learning-oriented approaches. It begins under the assumption that meaningful learning is created if students are given freedom and confidence, they can find their own answers and developing their knowledge, both in the classroom and in practical life. The method used is the analytical-descriptive one of the reviews of the literature of the main authors who have given rise to this approach, its elements and the didactic strategies used. The result of the analysis shows the need to move from traditional didact teaching in higher education programs toward more meaningful learning-oriented strategies. It is concluded that the design and implementation of didactic strategies focused on meaningful learning with the application of active didactic methodologies and strategies in meaningful learning processes depending on the context in which it takes place, obtains better results in the training of professionals. It is recommended that teaching in higher education should abandon traditional didactics and embrace more meaningful oriented teaching strategies.
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